Here are a few examples of what is possible with vector tiles. All of the below use TILE.stream vector tiles to populate the various mapping libraries and are styled client side using various libraries.
Mapbox Global Projection
Using Mapbox's Globe projections, tiles are reprojected depending on the zoom. The data shown from the same tileset used on the home page. The globe can be dragged and interactive with, but will resume panning after.
Timezones with striping
Below is a mix of Natural Earth data, Datashare and Wikipedia styling along with an additional leaflet stripe library for those countries which have daylight saving. Mouseover to see the timezone information for that area.
A Thousand Places
Natural Earth's Countries and States Provinces 10m dataset has just under five thousand polygons each with a label position. By filtering during the rendering process based on the zoom level, we can avoid overloading the map. Further we can also style the label based on the type of place, for example a capital or country name.